But, I Want It Now!

The ability to delay completion is one of the most important skills when it comes to our fitness goals. For most of us, none, don’t like to sit. Sitting at or standing in line is adequate to drive most of us crazy. Imagine the way we can get frustrated when a target takes weeks or months to achieve… One of the biggest obstacles to reaching our goals is to expect great outcomes at a glance.

A late gratification is a form of self-discipline: give up what you want to get in the future right now.

A couple of hints in the right direction to keep you going:

  1. Keep your eye on the prize: Check your fitness goals and while the reasons and obstacles are there, you should work on that.
  2. Create a vision board: Take a newsletter board and add your ambitions and inspiring things, including pictures, excerpts, and past achievements.
  3. Make your environment work for you: Put as many hurdles between you and your trip as possible. Hold the peanut butter and ice cream in the food store beyond your grasp. Hold your exercise bag packed on the opposite side and put healthy food in your refrigerator.
  4. Keep your goals simple and achievable: We will face pressure every day, but our self-control is weakened by getting overwhelmed. Set every day, every week and every month.
  5. Create incentives along the way to keep you feeling good: When you offer yourself little bonuses, you’ll move in the right direction. Each Saturday night, for example, you will appreciate a favorite dessert or have a massage every five pounds lost.

Self-discipline is a skill, and we are all capable of passing the exam.