The Right Amount Of Calories For You Are…

The calories you consume each day vary according to your age, gender, diet, height, race, and sex. A male of 6ft in, 22 years old needs more calories than a female of 5ft2 in her 70s.

What are the calories?

The amount of energy the food or drink provides is calories. The amount of energy you need will rely upon, for instance:

your age: for example,

your lifestyle: can require more energy, as well as your height and weight, can influence how quickly you consume energy.


You need to compare the number of calories you gain from food and drink with the number of calories you lose from physical activity to keep your weight safe. You consume more energy, eat a healthy diet with fewer calories and you improve your daily activity by using healthy weight to lose weight.


You need to compare the number of calories you gain from food and drink with the number of calories you lose from physical activity to keep your weight safe. You consume more energy, eat a healthy diet with fewer calories and you improve your daily activity by using healthy weight to lose weight.

Calories needed to lose weight

It’s a relatively simple three-step process to calculate the number of calories you have to lose weight. The Harris-Benedict equation is the most common method used in measuring calorie requirements. Here is the equation for Harris-Benedict women: BMR= 655 + (4.35x pound weight) + (4.7x inches height)–(4.7x year era) You need only fill up your name, height, and weight. The number you get is the cumulative number of calories you need every day (also called your BMR).